Scaling Up
Our new website is up and running. It entails all the information you need on the Micro-Veg-project scaling up. Please Click here to visit the Micro-Veg Project site.
Microveg Project is a Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF) sponsored project in West Africa. Upon successful completion of the first phase of the project, International Development Research Center (IDRC) has awarded a sum of $4.45 million to scale up the project to the next level. For more information, please visit our new website on Microveg Project
In Nigeria, more than 1,000 farmers increase their yield and income by using improved farming practices to grow UIVs. These improved farming practices were developed during the field research carried out in Southwestern Nigeria. In Benin, fertilizer micro-dosing and rain water harvesting techniques also helped more than 10 thousand farmers achieved equally beneficial results with other crops despite degraded soil.